Brijači aparat Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold

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Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture2
Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture3
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Series 9 - World’s most efficient shaver. Exceptionally gentle. With SyncroSonic™ technology and a Titanium coated middle trimmer. Five specialized shaving elements capture more hair in one stroke for fewer strokes and less skin irritation.

OpisBraun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
Series 9 - World’s most efficient shaver. Exceptionally gentle. With SyncroSonic™ technology and a Titanium coated middle trimmer. Five specialized shaving elements capture more hair in one stroke for fewer strokes and less skin irritation.
Opis proizvoda nije dostupan
ParametriBraun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
Sadržaj pakiranjaBraun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
Foto i videoBraun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture2
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture3
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture4
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture5
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture6
  • Braun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold.Picture7

SličnoBraun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold

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PitanjaBraun Series 9 9299s Wet&Dry Gold

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